The cemetery right around the corner from C Bar C is a known haunted spot Legend is that 7 sisters were put to death for being witches and buried in the Cloverdale cemetery. If you go out on a full moon and walk 7 circles around the 7 graves the sisters will appear and haunt you out of the Graveyard.
Right down the road in Greencastle is another Haunted Cemetery with a story about a police officer and his dog from back in the day. When the moon is just right you can see the glowing eyes of the dog. The reel fun part is the hidden cave that sits at the back of the graveyard, haunted or not the cave and cemetery at night is all out creep.
The Edna covered bridge just 15 minutes from C Bar C is another local hot spot for ghost hunters. A little girl use to hate to ride to town with her parents so they would leave her and the family dog at the bridge to swim while they went to town. One afternoon the parents came back from town and only found the dog barking. Legend says if you park on the bridge at night and turn your lights off you will here the dog barking still looking for the girl, some have heard the girl calling out to her parents, and a few have found hand prints all over the car after leaving.

All these are well know and very freaky depending on your mind set, but I heard a story about Hamond metal bridge being haunted and had to check it out. for myself. The story I was told talks about a group of boys who were at the bridge at night with a new kid in town. It was custom for the area boys to initiate the new kids who moved into town and the bridge was a consistent destination in many of the pranks. One rainy night the boys were out welcoming a new kid to town and convinced him to attempt to hang from the bridge, The wind picked up his hands slipped and he feel below in to the roaring water. One story claims the boy was able to grab on to one of the kids legs and hold on for a few seconds before slipping away.
I went out to the bridge on a rainy night to try and see what I could conjure up. I normally don't freak out easily but I had read this story 100 times before going and had all the stories rolling around in my head. The bridge seems to pop out of nowhere and does have a creepy vibe
with the word "amber" painted on the frame.

By this point I had pretty much creeped myself to the max of what my mind could handle. I started to slowly walk back to the car When something fell from the bridge and splashed into the water. The story of a falling boy ran threw my head and I took of to the car. The drive home I keep checking behind me and it took a good few minutes to calm myself down.

The bridge is only a few mile from C Bar C/ Be careful if you do decide to travel to this spooky site. The bridge is on a highway and even at night it can have heavy traffic. I would also recommend taking a friend!
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